I have a Self Managed Super Fund and my accountant advised I need a valuation for the Australian Tax Office Auditing Requirements, can you assist?
Following changes to the law in 2007 a larger number of Australians are making the decision to take control of their financial future by setting up a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund and using that fund to purchase residential and commercial property.
This is where the experienced and qualified team at Valuations WA can assist. ON the advice of your Accountant or Financial Advisor there are strict reporting requirements for property held within the self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF's).
We are the Perth Property Valuation experts in providing timely and relevant property valuations for self-managed super funds that help satisfy compulsory Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reporting requirements on a wide range of properties, including commercial and indust rial property such as Offices, Showrooms, Factory Units, Warehouses, Medical Centres and Retail Shops.
The ATO recommends that assets owned by self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF's) should be valued every three years to establish their current market value.
One of our experienced property valuers are happy to discuss the property valuation you require in more detail. Contact the Office (08) 92421611 or send us an email and we'll get back to you.
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